
Kita semua mencari... Looking for something in life. Bahkan saat kita sudah menemukannya, kita masih tetap mencari. This is the blog of my searching...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

My Rollercoaster Ride

So much has been going on these past few weeks. An Earthquake in Jogja, the disturbing Darwin's Nightmare documentary, the crazyness from the opening of World Cup. I just couldn't believe how all these combine in 2 weeks!

I feel we have to be aware all the time to face different things happening one after another. Like it meant to be placing us in the fast roller coaster, wether we like it or not. It's a test to our insanity. You might survive the tragedy because it happens far far away from you or not so far but well, in the same island, but you still have to survive the wave effect. You can't hide from it. It's part of this modern-global-fast life you live in.

At the end, I feel lucky because I could still feel this and not see it just as one of those headlines in the front page of a newspaper. To feel, how worst it could be, still a lot better than being numb to all your suroundings. Like once I experienced in the streets of New York 3 years ago, how this "mind you own business" attitude just driving me nuts. Maybe I experienced it to know the worst thing that could've happen in human race.

Somehow I am still feel guilty for not doing more or witnessing so much thing is being wasted for nothing...

lulu, Satunet Duren Tiga, 11.10 am, June 10, 2006


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