
Kita semua mencari... Looking for something in life. Bahkan saat kita sudah menemukannya, kita masih tetap mencari. This is the blog of my searching...

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Global Friends

I have friends everywhere I go. And I did some heavy travelings between 2003-2005. I don't know why it's all happened every 2 months in 2 years as if I have it planned. From Holland, Germany, US, Australia until Singapore, Japan and Korea. It is not easy now that I seatle down. Sometimes they email or sms me and made my day brighter of their warmth as if there's no distance between us.

I remember those feelings of again trapped in an airport somewhere and not knowing why was I there at first place. My friends that I met along the way kept me for going insane. Never forget them but it is not easy when you are starting a new life with someone you love and just stay in one city for good.

Yesterday I tried to contact them all to visit this simple blog. I want to thank them somehow. Some of them are already sent their reactions this morning. I know by heart we always be friends no matter how far we all apart.

Thank you, friends!

lulu, MP Book Point, 11.37 am, June 11th 2006


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