
Kita semua mencari... Looking for something in life. Bahkan saat kita sudah menemukannya, kita masih tetap mencari. This is the blog of my searching...

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Jogja part 2

Yesterday I found myself in the middle of every film events that would take place in Jogja starting next month. Somehow they all contacted me and asked for Indonesian short films. And somehow I said yes to almost all of them. So many things happened in Jogja post the earthquake last May.

After meeting with people I do work with and friends, I decided to lost myself in the middle of "Shoping". It's a place next to Taman Budaya Jogja (= Jogja Cultural Complex) where old and new books are sold. But it's not the same anymore after the local government rebuild it into more ordered place. Less good old books, I guess. The new surprise for me is the new Taman Pintar (= Smart Park) right next to it. It's for free and especially made for children complete with children amusement park. And not far from it you could find a giant screen spesially installed in the middle of "Tugu Serangan 1 Maret" (= March 1st Attack-during the war-Monument). It's for a live broadcast of the World Cup off course! Also sponsored by a product that put their banners all over the streets passing through the monument. Bizzare situation, since I walked through these places after watching contemporary music performance in Jogja Gamelan Festival inside the Taman Budaya. How could all these things happening in the same day and each of them got a huge audience. Always something for everybody here in Jogja!

If you love peace and lots of smile, you will surely find it here in Jogja...

lulu, Jogja, 10:02, July 9, 2006


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