
Kita semua mencari... Looking for something in life. Bahkan saat kita sudah menemukannya, kita masih tetap mencari. This is the blog of my searching...

Friday, June 30, 2006

Chose your life

You might recall the film Trainspotting, which became huge among my friends. Love that lines when the main cast mentioned about chosing your life. I never really thought about it until today. Sitting alone at the porch, looking at the sunset without the sun (common view in Jakarta) and suddenly connected to what I used to think in that kind of moment, which is rare these days.

I chose my life to be as free as I could. I chose not to want more than what I believe I could achieve. If I know I want more, I will put it in my dream file. So one day it could come true but if it's not than I can still have it as a dream. I have so many dreams and some of them really came true. It's become bigger and bigger but at the same time I'm becoming more and more realistic about everything.

Yes, I chose my life path. Like I chose Beng to be my husband. Like I chose not to drive a car. Like I chose to be pragmatis sometimes. Like watching big Hollywood movies sometimes. Like I chose to share my thoughts to you all. Never question it after you made your decision. Just go along with it whatever it may be.

lulu, Ocean Net, 19.41, 30 June 2006


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