
Kita semua mencari... Looking for something in life. Bahkan saat kita sudah menemukannya, kita masih tetap mencari. This is the blog of my searching...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

We meet again!

I met Sebastian Winkels & Icang again in the airport to go to Jogja. They came from Makassar & Manado of Sulawesi island. I began to see that things got more complicated as the traveling continue to the next island. Since I began to be more relax over things, especially my work, I got more than what I expected before.

The screenings and discussions were nice, specially with the Jogjanes who used to say what they really think out in the open in a forum. The filmmaking part was quiet packed because we didn't have a lot of time outside the screening. But that was actually the main thing out of this project, how we could do a documentary about a journey into 6 cities in 3 islands of Indonesia while at the same time screen and discuss short films in 2 weeks? You don't know what will happen so you better be open about a lot of things. When we finally said goodbye, they were going to Aceh & Padang (Sumatera island) and I was going to Makassar for another project, I learnt that the project becoming more and more make sense. Our country is big with around 17,000 islands and it took event like this to connect them since not many of us have the fortune to travel within our own country.

Now, I'm waiting for another meeting with them back from Aceh & Padang. It's the end of the journey, but I feel like it's a begining of something big. We'll see...

lulu, Goethe-Institut Jakarta, 13.32, September 14, 2006


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