I know, it's been a while... But I never knew anyone visiting this blog except for 1 or 2 people.
The time I spent in front of online computer is almost the same like before, so three email addresses, one friendster and one facebook are keeping me busy. Not to mention my offline time: film festival, watching movie in the cinema, meeting new people almost every week,... you know, living your life.
Of course when my brother got sick and moved in to the hospital almost 2 months ago, I became even more busy. Trying to hold on to what I am, my work and my world, while entering a new world, my brother's. I never knew before so many people really care for him as if they're his close family. Not to mention the 'infotainment' scene (sort of the gossip shows on TV) that me and my family have gone through as part of my brother's world.
I am grateful with his condition now. His recovery is really fast considering his sickness situation, thank God for that. At the same time I realize that it has been tough on my side and I would never survive this without the support of my husband Beng. So yes, I am grateful with my life. And to share this with all of you, wherever & whoever you are, is really an honour for me.
Thank you all for reading this...
lulu, at home, 22.23 wib, Nov 7, 2008